Backstage update on the chances of AJ Lee making her WWE return

There has been an update on the chances of AJ Lee making a return to WWE. AJ Lee is married to controversial star CM Punk. The 45-year-old was fired by All Elite Wrestling on September 2 following a backstage incident with Jack Perry at All In 2023. Punk made his shocking return to the Stamford-based

There has been an update on the chances of AJ Lee making a return to WWE.

AJ Lee is married to controversial star CM Punk. The 45-year-old was fired by All Elite Wrestling on September 2 following a backstage incident with Jack Perry at All In 2023. Punk made his shocking return to the Stamford-based promotion for the first time since 2014 at Survivor Series 2023 last month.

The veteran is scheduled to appear on tonight's edition of SmackDown in Rhode Island. CM Punk has not signed with a brand yet, and RAW GM Adam Pearce has made it known that he wants him to sign with the red brand.

According to Sean Ross Sapp of Fightful, the chances of AJ Lee making a return to the company have increased now that Punk is back in WWE. Sapp noted while answering fan questions on Fightful Select that Lee has shown a willingness to be involved in wrestling, essentially serving as a living mascot for WOW Wrestling during her time in the promotion. Lee has not competed in a match since the March 30, 2015 edition of WWE RAW.

Britt Baker urges former WWE star AJ Lee to come out of retirement

Former AEW Women's Champion Britt Baker revealed last year that she wanted to face AJ Lee.

Speaking with Sportskeeda Wrestling's Riju Dasgupta in an exclusive interview, Britt Baker claimed that Lee did a lot for women's wrestling and that she looked up to her. Baker added that she would love to see the 36-year-old return to the ring someday.

"I think you have to ask her that, not me. I think I would love to see AJ Lee in the ring again. She did so much for women’s wrestling and I think there’s so much more that she can do, even if she doesn’t know that there are so many girls that still look up to her, myself included." (from 01:18 onward)

You can check out the full interview below:

Punk noted that his better half is doing well and sends her regards during his return promo on WWE RAW. Only time will tell what the future holds for Lee in the world of professional wrestling.

Which brand do you want CM Punk to sign with? Would you be interested in seeing Lee return to the company? Share your opinion in the comments section below.

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