Released in October 2022, Overwatch 2 is a first-person shooter title that has quickly made a name for itself in the esports scene. Blizzard Entertainment had to iron out a few quirks at launch, but the game has since been performing smoothly.
The heroes in Overwatch 2 fall under three categories — Tank, Damage, and Support. It is important for a team to be well-rounded to control a map and secure the objective efficiently.
Introduced in Season 2, Ramattra is the first Tempo Tank in the game. The hero can be unlocked and used in Quick Play and Arcade matches. His abilities allow players to control the pace of a match and offer different paths for the team to complete its objectives.
There are many Overwatch 2 teams that Ramattra and his two forms (Omnic and Nemesis) can benefit from. Let's take a look at the best of them.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer. The entries are not ranked in any particular order.
Close Quarter Burst and other great team compositions that players can use for Ramattra in Overwatch 2
1) Ranged DPS (Damage Per Second)
The Ranged DPS (Damage Per Second) team composition is made up of the following heroes:
- Ramattra
- Widowmaker
- Bastion
- Baptiste
- Moira
This lineup focuses on a flexible approach. Widowmaker can enjoy safe cover behind Ramattra as she snipes down the opposing team’s supports from a safe distance. The front lines can abuse Baptiste’s immortality field and inflict prolonged damage on enemies with the help of Bastion and Moira.
This team composition is ideal for easy crowd control in a match.
2) Close Quarter Burst
The Close Quarter Burst team composition is made up of the following heroes:
- Ramattra
- Reaper
- Sombra
- Baptiste
- Moira
This team composition might seem risky at first. However, it makes a lot more sense when one realizes that the Damage heroes have decent evasion abilities.
The team's approach is to target silenced or hacked enemy heroes and nuke them before the Support heroes arrive. Combining Reaper’s ultimate and Ramattra’s can cripple the opposing team in a matter of seconds.
3) Tank Support DPS
The Tank Support DPS team composition is made up of the following heroes:
- Ramattra
- Junkrat
- Symmetra
- Moira
- Lucio
This team composition centers around Tanks. It allows players to provide cover for Ramattra in order to assist him when he advances toward the objective.
Symmetra and Junkrat can easily spam their abilities and turrets to deter enemy pushes and take aggressive map control. Lucio is one of the most agile heroes in Overwatch 2 and can provide movement and health boosts.
These are the three most efficient Ramattra team compositions that one can use to gain the upper hand in Overwatch 2. However, players should consider their proficiency with the listed heroes before committing to any of these team compositions.
Overwatch 2 is available to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and Nintendo Switch.
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