On Saturday, July 16, 2022, the next episode of Murdered by Morning will focus on the 1984 murder of Angela Samota. The episode, dubbed Game Over, will describe Angela’s unanticipated and horrific death by a serial r*pist on a fateful night.
Angela Samota was a 20-year-old computer science and electrical engineering major at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. One evening in October 1984, Samota and her friends attended a state fair.
Later that evening, when she returned home, a stranger raped and murdered her before leaving her body for her spouse to discover.
You must know five facts about the Angela Samota murder case before to viewing the program.
Friends and relatives recall Angela Samota as a charming and trustworthy young lady. It is tragic that a person as innocent as she died in such a gruesome manner. Here are five facts about Samota’s murder prior to the premiere of the episode of Murdered by Morning.
Friends and relatives recall Angela Samota as a charming and trustworthy young lady. It is tragic that a person as innocent as she died in such a gruesome manner. Here are five facts about Samota’s murder prior to the premiere of the episode of Murdered by Morning.
1) Samota’s lover was a suspect in her murder
Page Contents
- 1 1) Samota’s lover was a suspect in her murder
- 2 2) Angela Samota’s murder motivated her best friend to become a private investigator
- 3 3) Sheila forced the police to revisit Angela’s case in 2008
- 4 4) The DNA match was with a sexual predator who committed multiple offenses
- 5 5) Donald Bess, the murderer of Angela, was condemned to death
Ben McCall, Angela’s boyfriend, was a prime suspect in her death. He was the last person she communicated with before turning silent, according to accounts.
Ben called the police after finding her brutally murdered at her off-campus residence. Her chest was riddled with 18 stab wounds. Medical officials established during Angela’s autopsy that her attacker was not a secret spy. This removed Ben from the list of suspects.
2) Angela Samota’s murder motivated her best friend to become a private investigator
Angela’s best college friend, Sheila Wysocki, urged officials to investigate the case twenty years later. She performed research and printed out documentation outlining all rape incidents and convicted parties at the time. Sadly, police officers refused to comply.
Consequently, she made the decision to become her own private investigator. She learned Tennessee legalities as well as cyberbullying and copyright laws. She even took an examination to become a private investigator.
However, despite her investigator’s license, the police refused to work with her on the cold case murder of Angela.
3) Sheila forced the police to revisit Angela’s case in 2008
In response to Sheila’s constant prodding, the Dallas Homicide Division reactivated the Angela Samota investigation and assigned it to a female detective who was eager to collaborate with Sheila.
Later, DNA evidence from Angela’s murder scene was uncovered. Sheila had previously been advised that the evidence had been destroyed by a flood, so the new information astonished her. The DNA evidence revealed a match that may help identify Angela’s murderer.
4) The DNA match was with a sexual predator who committed multiple offenses
When Angela’s case was reopened and the DNA evidence was compared to existing criminal records, a match was established. The DNA results of Donald Andrew Bess Jr. matched those of the perpetrator.
At the time of Angela’s death, Donald was on parole while serving a 25-year sentence for sexual assault and kidnapping. Donald Bess was serving a life sentence for an unrelated assault conviction in 2008 when the DNA match was revealed.
5) Donald Bess, the murderer of Angela, was condemned to death
Bess was determined to be a serial s*x offender who served many prison terms for attacking multiple women. Other women, including his ex-wife, testified against him at his trial for the murder of Angela.
Based on the overwhelming evidence against him, the jury found him guilty and sentenced him to death. Bess submitted multiple appeals based on his bad health, intoxication, and terrible past, but they were all dismissed.
He remains on death row in the Hospital Galveston Unit in Texas. No execution date has been specified.
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