Here’s a mean-spirited article on Radar Online that wipes away the minor twinges of sympathy I was feeling for Camille Grammer after we saw her get dumped on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills last week. We’ve heard rumors that Kelsey Grammer is into baby talk and getting tied up, and Camille heavily suggested on Howard Stern that Kelsey enjoys cross dressing. Now there’s an article that sounds straight from Camille’s camp about how she’ll write a tell all book if Kelsey doesn’t meet her demands for a divorce settlement. Kelsey’s estate is thought to be worth around $120 million, with the bulk of that money being earned while he was married to Camille. The article on Radar pretty much spells out the details about Kelsey’s sex life that Camille is prepared to spill if he doesn’t pay up. Given how obvious this story is making Kelsey’s “sex secrets” it’s not like there will be a hell of a lot more to tell.
Camille has the ability to write a tell-all book about Kelsey, and if she does, she’ll have plenty of material we’ve learned.
“It’s absolutely true that Kelsey wears women’s underwear, and lingerie,” a source told “Camille never understood why he did. However, that is just the tip of the iceberg of what she knows about Kelsey.
“She knows things about Kelsey that would shock his fans. Camille has chosen to take the high road during the divorce proceedings, but she is getting to the point where she is considering setting the record straight once and for all about her marriage to Kelsey. There is no pre-nup agreement that would prohibit her from writing a tell-all book. She was a devoted wife to him.
“Kelsey should give her what she deserves in the divorce settlement, he should give her whatever she is asking for.”
Not only does Kelsey like dressing in women’s clothing, another source told us, “but he also prefers having sex while dressed as a woman!
“Kelsey has been into women’s clothing for a long time,” the source said. “He’s dressed up in lingerie and heels as a ‘surprise’ for a woman previously! And yes, she was surprised.”
Kelsey is not gay, the source insists, but he’s led a wild life and pushed a lot of boundaries.
“Kelsey was heavily into cocaine during his Cheers days. He was so out of control. He would do practically anything. He cleaned up his act later.
“But sexually he pushed limits. He was into, let’s just say, having women treat him like a woman in terms of what was done in the bedroom.
“Not only that but there was a time when he took photos of the sex and also his ‘toys.’
“Some of the photos slipped out of his control years ago. They were seen by the tabloids.
“Kelsey is lucky they were never published because the pictures were too hardcore. Of course if those same pictures were to surface today they’d probably be on the internet within an hour!”
The bottom line, says the source, is: “Kelsey is very kinky. A lot of people would be shocked by what he likes but he’s not doing anything illegal. Unusual, yes!
“But any woman that’s going to be with him is going to have to get used to it.”
[From Radar Online]
Whatever people are into in the privacy of their own bedrooms is their own business. It’s stupid to take photos or video, though, and just assume your partner is always going to keep it to themselves. We’ve learned throughout this whole thing that Kelsey is as much of an insensitive manipulative narcissist as Camille. These two are perfect for each other and probably spent the past 13 years aggrandizing each other’s fragile egos. Now that it’s over, they’re both stooping to the lowest level to try and discredit the other. Kelsey convinced Camille to go on television and Camille is spilling Kelsey’s kinks to the press. I could do without the mental image, but it just serves to make me think even less of Camille.
Photos are from 9/10/10. Credit: