What happened to Jho Rovero? Phillipine star shares emotional tribute as his wife dies aged 34

Philippine actor Andrew Schimmer lost his wife, Jho Rovero, on Tuesday, December 20, 2022. She was 34 years old at the time of passing. As the news made headlines, netizens took to social media to share their condolences with the family.

Philippine actor Andrew Schimmer lost his wife, Jho Rovero, on Tuesday, December 20, 2022. She was 34 years old at the time of passing. As the news made headlines, netizens took to social media to share their condolences with the family.

Jho Rovero’s health battle was well known among fans as her husband Andrew Schimmer documented their journey on social media. After spending a year in a coma, she succumbed to complications due to severe asthma and cardiac arrest. Rovero also suffered from hypoxemia, which occurs when the oxygen levels in the arteries go below-normal and result in breathing difficulties.

Andrew Schimmer took to Facebook to announce the death of his wife. He shared an image of him and his wife intertwining their fingers. It appeared like the couple were wearing their wedding bands. He captioned the photo:

“The Love of my Life… my wife.. my best friend.. my partner in everything. Remember your promise, together forever”

Andrew Schimmer revealed that he was filming when his wife, Jho Rovero, passed away

In a heart-breaking video uploaded to Facebook, the actor explained that he was filming an episode of the show Family Feud when he received a call from the doctors. He shared that he immediately rushed to the hospital where he witnessed medical practitioners attempting to revive his wife. Sadly, Rovero’s health continued to deteriorate. Schimmer said:

“My siblings, I want to tell you the saddest and worst news that you could hear. While I was in GMA for a taping for Family Feud, I received a call from doctors at St. Lukes who said that her BP and everything else went down, including her oxygen.”

Jho Rovero was hospitalized in November 2021 after suffering a severe asthma attack that also led to a cardiac arrest. She went on to spend three weeks in the intensive care unit at St Luke’s Medical Center in Taguig.

As her medical bills increased, Schimmer requested his followers to help his family financially. He was regularly documenting his wife’s health journey.

On October 29, he took to Facebook to share that Jho Rovero was facing severe health battles. He told followers:

“She is fighting the hardest fight of Her life right now. She needs a lot of prayer.”

On December 9, he went on to update followers by announcing that his wife was “stable.” He added:

“Another victory, all glory to Him up there.”

Netizens share their condolences with Andrew Schimmer as his wife passes away

Internet users took to social media to share their condolences with the actor’s family. A few tweets read:

Did the couple have children?

Schimmer and his wife are parents to two children, Andrea and Neymar.

The couple reportedly tied the knot on December 10. Speaking about their wedding, Schimmer uploaded a photo with two wedding rings and wrote online:

“We will not wait anymore for the right moment to come… by GOD’s grace it will HAPPEN.”

The next day, he posted a video where he shared that they had a church wedding and were heading back to the hospital to continue his wife’s treatments.

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